Lumonite story

The Lumonite story began in Finland, where long and cold winters create extreme conditions for lighting.

Having sold thousands of lamps, we gradually started to understand what is required of the perfect lamp. The only remaining problem we had was that it didn’t exist - yet.

As mediocrity has never satisfied us, we realized that we needed to do something about it. As there were no solutions to this problem yet, we decided to build a solution of our own.

We learned that our customers did not need flashing functions, tens of different power modes or alarm clocks in their lamps. We knew that by taking away everything unnecessary, we were close to the perfect design.

Lumonite-products were established for Finns. Therefore, we decided that:

  1. We won’t bargain over performance.
  2. We won’t bargain over quality.
  3. We won’t bargain over usability.
Read the whole story »
design from finland logo


Several elite athletes around the world have chosen Lumonite for their daily training and racing lamp.

Team Lumonite athletes are also involved in our product development – when the products are tested and accepted by the most demanding users there is, we can't go much wrong!

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